21 - 26 July 2019
Jakarta, Bandung, Cilacap, Jogja, Solo, Magelang, Jogja

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Reprinted with permission from Indo Art Link 30th July 2019. Subscribe to Indo Art Link here

This time last year we announced the launch of the Australian Indonesia Art Forum (AIAF), a project being led by Konfir Kabo who has been supporting connections between Indonesian artists and Australia for many years. The AIAF launch occurred in Jogjakarta during Art Jog 2018 with a group of six Australians who joined Konfir on his visit to Indonesia.  Twelve months on, Konfir and his team upgraded to a bigger bus and with the assistance of advocate of Indonesian contemporary art, collector and advisor, John Cruthers, this year 20 Australians took part in 'an intensive familiarisation tour of the Indonesian artworld'. Travelling overland from Jakarta to Jogjakarta in 6 days, stopping in Bandung and Cilacap, as well as a day trip to Solo and Magelang, the tours impressive itinerary included visits to key collections and museums, studio visits with artists as well as the main event - Art Jog 2019.

As the third iteration of our Highlights series, we are delighted to have John Cruthers contributing to this months newsletter by sharing his experience on the tour, along with a series of Q&A styled responses from tour participants, in this special report, via the link below.