Soe Yu Nwe

The original drawings of the two prints shown in the previous exhibition Fighting Fear: whatshappeninginmyanmar

Our Struggle for Freedom: Feb 1st 2021 2021

This is a piece I made in response to the news of the capture of NLD party, Feb 1st, 2021. In the midst of a global health crisis - the covid pandemic - our world is yet destabilized furthermore with the political unpredictability resulting from the military coup. I hope to capture this sense of destabilized reality in a palette that is hopeful. In this drawing of a peacock in captivity, the peacock serves as the national symbol of Myanmar and it is also present in the flag of the Democratic Party. #freemyanmar #artasprotest #peacefulprotest #wedeservefreedom

April Salute 2021

Soe Yu Nwe completed a series of Three Finger Salute drawings in the aftermath of 1 February 2021. They stood as artistic symbols of solidarity and continue to remind us of the energy and hope inspired by the weeks of protest and thousands of people standing together against oppression.


A Day in the Life 2021-23

A Day in the Life is a series of photographs and Instagram posts documenting several disparate experiences in the life of Soe Yu Nwe over the past two years. While witnessing traumatic events in Yangon, she opened her first studio space, Studio Nwe, where students can come to learn about hand-building, ceramic glazes and the intricate craft and fine art of clay. Investing in an open studio concept was a risk, especially in the wake of the coup and the devastating effects on her home city. Yet Studio Nwe was met with tremendous enthusiasm. Young and old come for classes and Soe Yu Nwe has benefitted by building relationships with her students. Though she does not have as much time for her own artistic practice, Studio Nwe has offered a welcome distraction from the hardships of the last two years. She has also travelled to Sagaing, where she learned about the traditional making of everyday objects like clay pots in Myanmar. A Day in the Life shows how enriching experiences can occur in the midst of difficult circumstances.

A Day in the Life 2021-23
inkjet print on Ilford Galerie Smooth Pearl photo paper
70 x 67 cm